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Understanding Infant Colic: Causes, Symptoms, and Homeopathic Remedies

Colic, originating from the Greek "kolikos" meaning "pain in the colon," refers to episodes of abdominal pain common in infants during their first few months of life, causing them distress and crying. Recognizable to many parents, colic presents as restlessness and crying, often following feeding, as the baby clenches their legs to their abdomen and may turn red in the face. Despite attempts to soothe the baby, the crying may persist until gas or stool passes.

Colic typically adheres to the "Rule of Three":
  • It commences around the third week of life.

  • Lasts for at least three hours daily.

  • Primarily affects infants within the first three months of life.

While the precise cause and mechanisms of colic remain uncertain in medical science, several factors contribute to infants' vulnerable gastrointestinal tracts:

  • At birth, the infant's intestines are sterile, gradually colonizing with microorganisms that produce gas, potentially leading to discomfort.

  • The nervous and endocrine systems, regulating digestion, may function irregularly in the early months, resulting in painful intestinal spasms.

  • The stomach expands with food intake, contributing to discomfort, especially in infants with a lower pain threshold.

Immediate causes of colic may include:

  • Improper feeding techniques leading to air swallowing.

  • Digestive disturbances, such as introducing solid foods or transitioning to formula feeding.

  • Allergic reactions to formula components or solid foods.

  • Insufficient time spent nursing, resulting in an imbalance of foremilk and hindmilk.

  • Maternal smoking during pregnancy is known to double the risk of colic in infants.

It's important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment recommendations for colic management.

Also, it is very important when you feed the baby to observe how the mother feels. If the mother is calm and relaxed, the baby will feel it. Mother and baby are one. That means if the mother is relaxed during feeding, the baby will sense it.

Homeopathy is highly effective for baby (adults, children) colic.

I would like to share with you some remedies which might help to relieve the symptoms:

Please have a look at my guide on how to use remedies right before choosing the right remedy.

Chamomilla: Usually, babies with unbearable pains. One side is red. The baby is very hot and feels better uncovered. The baby is very angry from pain. They feel worse in the evening or midnight. The baby has a strong desire to be held. Screaming with pain. Sensitive to pain. Stubborn. Impatient. Irritable. Dislike company. Dislike being touched. The baby can be sweating with pain. They sweat easily and feel better from it. Usually, they are very demanding to relieve their pain but nothing will help them. - "I can't bear the pain any longer" - Chamomilla babies show it very much. They loudly cry. They cry even when you carry them. Bloated stomach. They can't sleep from pain. The baby passes wind. They might have watery diarrhea.

Colocynthis: One of the main colic remedies. Restless baby. The baby complains of humiliation, indignation, and anger. Colic causes intense anguish, and they become very restless and irritable. They scream from the pain and cry. The baby's belly is bloated. They usually have diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Cutting pains, gripping, violent in waves. The colic is better from bending double. Passing stool. Pressure. They usually worsen from cold drinks. Babies pull legs to their belly.

Staphysangria: Colic remedy where children develop colic from anger. Baby is capricious. Baby is very irritable. Colic worsens after drinking water. Cramping pain. Feels better when someone puts a hand on the abdomen. Spasmodic cutting in the abdomen after drinking and eating. Colic with pelvic tenesmus. Pot-bellied. Swollen abdomen. Incarcerated flatus with a smell like rotten eggs. The baby feels worse from touch.

Dioscorea: Another very important remedy which can be very useful for colic. Pains are unbearable. Cutting, sharp, twisted, grinding, gripping. They start in one part and go to another part. Flatulence after feed. Violent colic from fasting, wrong dietary, excess eating. Baby is restless. Colic radiates from abdomen to back, arms, and chest. Baby is worse from bending forwards and feels better bending backward. Very sharp and twisting pains. Cutting pains, excessive, sharp. Rumbling. Pains shifted to a different part. The baby feels better when stretching out. The baby can't lie down.

Pulsatilla: Baby always had a weepy, changeable mood. But always feels better in the fresh air. Baby is thirsty. They are chilly, with cold feet and hands. The baby doesn't like the heat. Children usually didn't get what they want, want to be carried. Very clingy.

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